I have completed my first project for my computers class. I have to say for a minute there it was really touch and go, but now I am feeling much more confident. Not only did I complete the project, but I received a perfect score on it. Awesome!
My academic libraries class is however frustrating me. The lazy professor does not grade us herself, rather she puts us in groups and has everyone act as a group leader twice during the semester. The group leaders for the week have complete control over what grade you get for that lesson. I totally disagree with a grade given to me during week one. I contacted the professor and not only is there nothing I can do about it, but I am also not allowed to see the comments that the group leader made about me. What a freaking crock. I can not believe that I paid $1000 for this course only to have my stupid classmates grade me. What in the heck do we even need the professor for?
I am pretty psyched about going to see the author Mo Willems at a local bookstore tomorrow. I LOVE his books so much. I had the store place three on reserve for me. I know that is kind of a lot but I figure I can splurge every once in a while. I am off work this weekend which is exciting. Can't wait to spend some time with Charles and maybe see the babes. They are three and a half now so I guess they aren't really babes anymore. How depressing. They will probably graduate from college before I do! Ha!