Mr. Deity

Sunday, April 23, 2006

The Kitty Revolution!

After my Ode to Sammy, I started to feel bad that I have not posted any pictures of my other cute kitties. After much discussion with Cow, I have decided to post one picture of each kittie to make amends for my oversight.

This is Squirrel(Grey) and Merlin(Orange). Squirrel feel in love with Merlin from the first moment she saw him, luckily Merlin was very laid back. Squirrel is about 5 years old and is the sister of Pumplin. Merlin passed away in January of 2005, so now Squirrel cuddles with us.

This is Annushka, otherwise known as Annabear. We call her Annabear because her fur is so thick that she looks like a little bear cub. Anna is about 4 years old. She is tiny, but incredibly vocal. This cat will scream at you until you give in a pet her. She is best friends with Cowboy, and she can often be seen cuddling with him, or kicking his butt.

This is the infamous Cowboy. He is about 5 years old and is the only boy kittie in a house over run with women! Cow is best friends with Annabear, although he gets tired of constantly getting his butt kicked by a little girl. Cow enjoys chit chatting with his people and following me around the house. Cow seems to be planning some sort of plot against Pumpkin. We fear he may have discovered that the diet food transition is primarily due to her weight problem.

This is Pumkin aka Punkapotimus. She's what you call big boned. She is about 5 years old and enjoys sleeping and eating. Pumpkin does not really like any of the other cats, especially Cow. Due to an increased weight problem for Punky, we have switched the kitties to diet food. Pumpkin is concerned that the other cats may be rallying against her in their fit of rage over the diet food transistion.

This is Sammy. She was best Friends with Charles, but also liked Pumpkin and Cow well enough. Sammy could jump over four feet high straigh up when trying to catch a toy! Sammy passed away in March of 2006, and we all miss her tons.

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Ode to Samantha

It has been just over a month since we lost one of our best friends, Sam. This amazingly beautiful weather reminds me of taking Sammy out for her walk. Have you ever seen a cat who likes to take walks on a leash? How about a cat that will play tag with you? Just some of the crazy kitty stuff we miss about our friend Sammy.

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Crunch Time

Every once in a while, it seems that the universe will throw everything it possibly can at you just to see how you handle it. This has been a week where the universe intends on driving me to the brink. School is nuts. Getting ready for finals and turning in those big projects is proving to be more than a little bit challenging. I just finished writing 5 papers for my children's lit course in the hopes of being able to opt out of the final. I just found out last night that I have a ginormous project due this Friday that I have not even begun for my special libraries course that is online. My professor for my internet course refuses to check blackboard to see if her students have questions. She truly has a way of making students feel like she just doesn't give a damn! I can not wait to fill out an evaluation for that course.

Work is somewhat crazy. We are trying to gear up for summer reading by setting up school visits. This is probably going to take up almost the entire month of May. Of course the real craziness begins in June, so I need to ready myself for that!

Overall, I feel like a tool complaining. I should be appreciative of the opportunity to go to graduate school. I should thank my lucky stars everyday that I have a job that I love and work with really awesome people. Maybe I'll start an appreciation diary like Oprah. Hey, if Oprah says its a good thing---its a good thing! :)

Thursday, April 06, 2006

Random Parenting Questions

After much observation at my local public library as well as the grocery store I would like to ask parents a few questions. Ok parents, ready? Here goes.

1) Why on earth would you allow you toddler to run around a parking lot without holding your hand? Has the pain truly become too much? Are you sort of kind of hoping they get hit by a car?

2) Is there a reason that parents think the library is an appropriate place to simply dump their children? Is the library protected by some super human force field that does not allow child predators in? As a library employee, I would just like to point out that to my knowledge there is no such force field and that perhaps it is not the best idea to leave your young child unattended at the library or any other public space.

3) It is really a good idea to let your children push the shopping cart at the grocery store? Yes , yes they are so adorable when they can not see over the cart and are pushing ever forward. My only concern is that these cute little buggers cannot actually see where they are going and therefor are very likely to run over the elderly lady who is looking at the canned veggies.

Just some random thoughts from someone who does not have children.